Play of Game



Courts & Rules:

rules are from here:

Court diagram attached.  Courts go parallel (sorry John more math) with the tennis net, so two courts per tennis court.  We only needed two dodgeball courts for the number of people we had in 2015.  Mark lines with blue tape.  John, if you can't figure out how many feet of tape you need give Priscilla the diagram and she can tell you.

We did double-elimination format.  You could do round-robin depending on your number of teams and how long you want to play.

As for timing I had planned as follows:

14 matches, 2 courts, 10 minutes each = 70 minutes.  5 minutes between = 30 minutes.  = 100 minutes.

7:00p Arrivals/Snacks/Dinner/Mingle
7:45p Warmups & Rule review
8:00p First Match
9:40p Awards

I didn't record the "actuals" but it went close to the plan.  We had to be out of facility at 10pm and the plan worked well, people never want to be rushed but they don't want things going on forever.  With all the drinking, socializing and eating, it is critical you have someone (for us it was me) who is watching the clock and moving things along, even being militant about it at times.  People are there to have fun, but if folks have to leave before their team is eliminated, they are going to blame you.

Matches last 2 - 7 minutes.  The first several matches (even if you tell everyone this) half the people will get out by walking backwards out of bounds in the first 30 seconds before they have a feel for that rule and the court.  But like I said, figure 10 minutes each with 5 minutes between, then you will stay on schedule with getting people out there.

Yes John you can borrow my shirt.  You might look like Ed Hochuli in it but should fit.  I'm home Wednesday 9-2:30p if coming by in the daytime is easier.  Marisa is home Thursday.

Only other thing I can think of re: rules is that we said a headshot, the thrower is out, person who got hit stays in.  And for the opening "rush" to make it safer (and it is true with some rules) there were two balls on the center line for each team, you didn't fight for the balls.  The balls were not "live" (couldn't be thrown) until someone touches the end line with the ball in hand. 

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